
About the store

I recently had a software setback with my store. I will be adding and updating the store over the next6 months. The store is open so feel free to browse and purchase. I will keep you posted about my updates here under News.

Basic store layout.

March 20, 2020: I plan on having several sections of merchandise. I will be adding new items each week. Most of these items will be from my eBay stores. In many cases, I will provide a link to the item in my eBay store. Keep in mind that you will pay 5-15% more on eBay. The reason why is because of the eBay fees. I do not pay a fee here but I do pay for other items to help me to provide you the best shopping experience. The links provided will redirect you to my store.

For the next 2 weeks, I will be adding more sports cards. I will revamp my menu to make it easier to navigate through my cards. I will add discounts for multi-item purchases during that time. I will add links here for new items of interest. Have fun looking around and if you have any suggestion you can e-mail me. My e-mail is under Contact Me.

March 21, 2020: Today I added a few more cards and starting to add more stamps. I added more information to a few of the pages. I will add more here on Monday. There will be links and new photos.

March 23, 2020: I have added NASCAR Cards to my store. I add a few more hockey cards. I will be changing/improving a few pages this week as well as adding more products. I will give an update next week.

April 09, 2020: I know it been over 2 weeks since I added anything to this page. During the 2 weeks, I have added a few new products and 2 more sections; used CD,s and Fitness magazine. I plan on populating them in the next 2 weeks. For the next month, I will be playing around with the layout, during a lot of background “stuff” to improve this site. I will be still adding products, but not as fast as I want but shooting for 200+ products by September.

April 22 2020: It has been almost 2 weeks since my last entry. since then I add a few new products to my store. I still working in the background to optimized items already listed. I have added more information and links to my ebay stores. I will give more updates on or about the 1st May.

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