I Liechtenstein Scott 762-765
Theme: Protection of Shores and Coasts
Year: June 6th, 1983
Condition: MNH
These Liechtenstein Scott 762-765 stamps are from my personnel collection. Liechtenstein Scott 762-765 are a four stamp set. This is an original stamp. It is not a reprint or duplicate. The stamp is not professionally graded. There is no damage or markings. The stamp is kept in and will be shipped in a protector.
Liechtenstein Stamp’s Description
- Country: Liechtenstein
- Scott Number: #762-765
- Theme: Protection of Shores and Coasts
- Date: June 6th, 1983
- Condition: Mint Never Hinged
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- Liechtenstein Stamp Scott #759-761 Landscapes by Anton Ender MNH June 6th, 1983
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- Buffalo Bill Cody U.S Frontier Scout United States FDC 22kt June 6, 1988
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