Anita Baker Compositions Used CD
Genre: Rhythm & Blues
Elektra 2006 Slim-Case
Clannad Landmarks used CD Description
Anita Baker Compositions is a used CD in the category of Rhythm & Blues. The release year of Anita Baker Compositions was 2006 by Elektra. This CD does not have the original jewel case but it will come with a slim-case. This is an original product, not a reproduction. The CD will have a front cover. There may be a fold. The CD will be randomly played before shipment. I am the first and only owner of the CD. The CD will be shipped in a slim-case. Also, the CD will be mail 1st class, not media mail.
- Talk To Me 5:04
- Perfect Love Affair 5:19
- Whatever It Takes 5:35
- Soul Inspiration 5:19
- Lonely 4:30
- No One To Blame 4:42
- More Than You Know 4:50
- Love You To The Letter 7:21
- Fairy Tales 7:53
- This CD is shipped in a slim-case
Store Policies
Below are my store shipping and return policies. Click on the link(s) to view the in-store policies
- Shipping, Product Condition, and Return Policies
Other Related Links
Internal and my other sites links
- Jimmy Page “Outrider” Rock Genre Used CD Slimcase
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Pinterest and eBay Links
Below are the links and description to my Pinterest and eBay sites
- CDs with no case: (Main Store)
NOTE: CD players and the CD reader on your computer is different from mine. The CD plays without and issues on my device. Make sure your CD player is clean. The cleaning of the CD prior to shipment will be done. If the CD skips while you are playing it, please clean your player and CD to make sure everything is good. If none of these solutions works, you can return the item for a full refund.
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